Handwritten "Arete Journal" phrase, with an accent above the letter "A" drawn to look like an at symbol
Text saying "by Angelica Ruzanova"

In the eye of the beholder: a collection of essays & stories from my digital self.@

Handwritten notes

My name is Angelica (Анжелика) and this is a digital archive of my projects.

I am a senior Journalism student pursuing a minor in Global Sustainability Business, working as a Science Communications Intern for a National Wildlife Refuge non-profit. My other jobs include working as an AI Fellow at the UT Austin School of Journalism and Media and as a Legal Student Associate for Ouro, a financial technology company.

I have written features for The Daily Texan newspaper and have a great interest in philosophy and data. Culture inspires me, nature humbles me. Welcome to the habitat of my work.

Handwritten notes
Handwritten notes
Handwritten notes
Handwritten notes

Proof of existence!

Digital storytelling

Go to archive to see more.

Statistics are powerful when complemented with traditional reporting methods, especially for analyzing evidence of the footprint we leave on our planet. I believe in journalism that is impactful and dedicated to the public good, and data makes it possible for us to ground it in units of accountability.